www.theagif.org - TheAgif.org Directory

Our Mission

How would you feel if your favorite nonprofit were forced to close? That’s the projected fate of around one-third of current ones.

Our mission is to keep most of them functioning.

The AGIF nonprofit impact network:

Extend your capacities through our programs. First, apply to join our online Directory. Then choose what you need and access our educational resources and networking events.

Network Programs

  • free courses: marketing, fundraising, operations, management and more.
  • social media education
  • video content production education
  • translation education
  • quarterly cause-based collaborative marketing & fundraising campaigns
  • monthly virtual member networking forums

Some results our nonprofit members have reported ...

"1/3 of our monthly budget funded in one week" -

"3 months of operating expenses in one month" -

"An unstoppable force multiplier" -
